PROCESSO Nº 23106.055094/2024-57
The Secretary for International Affairs and the Dean of Graduate Studies publish this call for applications for the selection of candidates for graduate studies at UnB for admission in 2025, in accordance with current regulatory requirements: Resolution N. 80/2021 of the Council for Teaching, Research and Extension of UnB (CEPE), Resolution N. 044/2020 of the Council for Teaching, Research and Extension of UnB, Resolution N. 05/2020 of the Chamber for Research and Graduate Studies of UnB, Resolution N. 06/2020 of the Chamber for Research and Graduate Studies of UnB.
The purpose of this call is to regulate the selection of candidates for the award of free tuition scholarships and/or monthly stipend scholarships offered by UnB Graduate Programs. Free tuition and/or month stipend scholarships cover in-person Master's and Doctorate programs, scheduled to start in 2025 and last for 24 months for the Master's degree and 48 months for the Doctoral degree. Activities will begin in the months specified in the information table of each program (Annex II).
The Selection Process for the Master's and Doctoral programs regulated by this call will be carried out through a Broad Competition System. This call involves institutions other than UnB, and therefore complies with Art. 18 of CEPE resolution 044/2020 and with Art. 10 of CEPE resolution 05/2020.
Information about the Program and/or Degree(s) can be obtained on the program's website page, or via the e-mail address provided in Annex II.
Selected candidates must attend the master's or doctoral programs for which they were selected. Upon successful completion of all evaluations and other academic requirements and demands of the Program, students will receive a Master's or Doctorate degree awarded by the University of Brasília.
The title obtained will be officially valid in the Federative Republic of Brazil. Procedures for validating the degree in other countries must be performed by the candidate. UnB does not guarantee success in, or assume responsibility with respect to, such procedures.
Recipients of monthly stipend scholarships, in accordance with current Brazilian regulations and legislation, do not acquire a labor or commercial relationship with the University of Brasília.
Candidates must comply with the language requirements determined by the Graduate Programs in which they enroll. Information in this regard can be found in Annex II.
There are two types of admission to UnB Graduate Programs for candidates selected through this call.
Type I - total exemption from administrative and academic fees scholarship.
Type II - total exemption from administrative and academic fees and monthly stipend scholarship.
The total exemption from administrative and academic fees includes all costs related to registration, credits, thesis/dissertation supervision, scheduling of examination board, the use of libraries and laboratories, and issuance of documents.
The amount of the monthly stipend scholarship is based on the amounts established by the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) of the Ministry of Education and are currently as follows:
for the master's level: R$2,100.00 (two thousand and one hundred reais) monthly, for a period of 24 months.
for the doctoral level: R$3,100.00 (three thousand and one hundred reais) monthly, for a period of 48 months.
Observe the conditions for granting the scholarship in item 14.
The Programs that offer master's degree admission through this call are the following:
Program | Type I Positions | Type II Positions | Total Positions | Beginning in |
Administration |
5 |
- |
5 |
March or August 2025 |
Agribusiness |
2 |
- |
2 |
August 2025 |
Anthropology |
- |
1 |
1 |
March 2025 |
Architecture and Urbanism |
3 |
- |
3 |
March 2025 |
Visual Arts |
2 |
- |
2 |
March or August 2025 |
Microbial Biology |
3 |
- |
3 |
March or August 2025 |
Political Science |
1 |
- |
1 |
March 2025 |
Animal Sciences |
- |
1 |
1 |
March 2025 |
Accounting Sciences |
- |
1 |
1 |
March 2025 |
Behavioral Sciences |
1 |
- |
1 |
March 2025 |
Ciencias y Tecnologías de la Salud |
- |
1 |
1 |
August 2025 |
Pharmaceutical Sciences |
1 |
- |
1 |
March or August 2025 |
Physical Education |
- |
1 |
1 |
August 2025 |
Structures and Civil Construction |
1 |
- |
1 |
March 2025 |
Philosophy |
1 |
- |
1 |
March 2025 |
Phytopathology |
- |
1 |
1 |
March 2025 |
Applied Geosciences and Geodynamics |
2 |
- |
2 |
March or August 2025 |
Geography |
1 |
- |
1 |
March 2025 |
Geotechnics |
1 |
- |
1 |
March or August 2025 |
Computer Science |
1 |
1 |
2 |
March or August 2025 |
Integridad de Materiales de Ingeniería |
2 |
- |
2 |
March or August 2025 |
Tropical Medicine |
1 |
- |
1 |
March 2025 |
Human Nutrition |
1 |
- |
1 |
August 2025 |
Dentistry |
1 |
- |
1 |
August 2025 |
Molecular Pathology |
3 |
- |
3 |
March or August 2025 |
Social, Work, and Organizational Psychology |
2 |
- |
2 |
March 2025 |
Sociology |
1 |
1 |
2 |
March 2025 |
Transportation |
8 |
- |
8 |
March or August 2025 |
Zoology |
1 |
- |
1 |
March or August 2025 |
The Programs that offer doctoral degree admission through this call are the following:
Program |
Type I Positions |
Type II Positions |
Total Positions |
Beginning in |
Administration |
3 |
- |
3 |
March or August 2025 |
Anthropology |
- |
1 |
1 |
March 2025 |
Architecture and Urbanism |
2 |
- |
2 |
March 2025 |
Visual Arts |
2 |
- |
2 |
August 2025 |
Bioethics |
2 |
- |
2 |
March or August 2025 |
Microbial Biology |
3 |
- |
3 |
March or August 2025 |
Political Science |
1 |
- |
1 |
March 2025 |
Animal Sciences |
- |
1 |
1 |
March 2025 |
Accounting Sciences |
- |
1 |
1 |
March 2025 |
Health Sciences |
- |
1 |
1 |
August 2025 |
Behavioral Sciences |
1 |
- |
1 |
March 2025 |
Pharmaceutical Sciences |
1 |
- |
1 |
March or August 2025 |
Education |
- |
1 |
1 |
August 2025 |
Physical Education |
- |
1 |
1 |
August 2025 |
Electrical Engineering |
- |
1 |
1 |
August 2025 |
Structures and Civil Construction |
- |
1 |
1 |
March 2025 |
Philosophy |
1 |
- |
1 |
March 2025 |
Phytopathology |
- |
1 |
1 |
March or August 2025 |
Applied Geosciences and Geodynamics |
1 |
- |
1 |
March or August 2025 |
Geography |
1 |
- |
1 |
March 2025 |
Geotechnics |
1 |
- |
1 |
March or August 2025 |
Computer Science |
- |
1 |
1 |
March or August 2025 |
Tropical Medicine |
- |
1 |
1 |
March 2025 |
Dentistry |
1 |
- |
1 |
August 2025 |
Molecular Pathology |
2 |
- |
2 |
March or August 2025 |
Social Policy |
2 |
- |
2 |
March 2025 |
Sociology |
1 |
1 |
2 |
March 2025 |
Zoology |
1 |
- |
1 |
March or August 2025 |
During the period of the graduate studies, those selected will be entitled to the following benefits:
Access to University Restaurants with the payment of the same subsidized amounts as other UnB students.
Access to study rooms, libraries, laboratories and other university services, under the same conditions as other UnB students.
Holder of a nationality of a foreign country in relation to Brazil.
If the candidate is an employee of partner institutions, there is no restriction regarding nationality.
Prove relationship as a student, former student or employee with an active contract at one of UnB's partner institutions listed in the Annex I.
Employees interested in participating in the selection must submit documentation proving the maintenance of an employment relationship at the end of their graduate studies.
Be in good health (physical and mental) to pursue graduate studies.
Be able to cover various expenses (including, but not restricted to: airfare, visa processing, international medical insurance for the entire study period, housing, among others).
Possess a bachelor's degree.
Possess a master's degree for doctoral programs that require it (Annex II)
The application must be carried out by registering personal info and electronically sending the required documents by 11:59 pm (Brasília time) on 08/31/2024.
Candidates can apply for more than one Program, registering and sending documents for each of the Programs of interest.
The University of Brasília is not liable in case candidates miss the deadline for submitting documents caused by technical problems or other matters outside the control of the university.
Pre-application form generated automatically using the form available at
The data to be included in the pre-application form are as follows:
Identification - Name, date of birth, e-mail, telephone number, gender, citizenship, identification document.
UnB partner institution with which the candidate has a relationship (Annex I).
Selected Graduate Program.
Admission type.
After completing the pre-application form, the candidate will receive an email with instructions for uploading the documents.
Copy of identity document (passport, nationality document, or national identity document);
Updated curriculum vitae with proof of qualification and academic production;
Undergraduate academic transcript of records;
Diploma, certificate or statement indicative of completion of undergraduate studies;
For doctoral candidates:
Academic transcript of records of the master's degree (for programs which require a master’s degree);
Diploma, certificate of completion or statement indicative of completion of master's studies (for programs which require a master’s degree).
Proof of relationship with one of the UnB partner institutions (Annex I), if this proof is not verified in items 7.5 or 7.6.
Essay 1: indicating academic expectations and interests; professional expectations and prospects for returning to the country of origin (maximum 1,000 words)
Essay 2: Research pre-project (maximum 4,000 words) in A4 format with 1.5 line spacing with Times New Roman 12 font, containing the following items:
Objectives, which must be in line with one of the program's lines of research
Literature review
Methodological process
Work plan
Schedule and
Bibliographic references.
The name of the candidate and title of the project and graduate program must be indicated on the cover of the Pre-Project. The remaining pages must not contain author identification.
For candidates for the Graduate Program in Architecture and Urban Studies, 3 (three) to 5 (five) works - bibliographical, technical or artistic production - from the last 5 years, in a single file in PDF format.
For candidates for the Graduate Program in Applied Geosciences and Geodynamics, scientific work and professional activity in the last 5 (five) years.
The essays described in items 7.8 and 7.9 may be submitted in the languages indicated by the Programs in Annex II.
Copy of proof(s) of language proficiency according to the level required by the Programs (Annex II).
Candidates must demonstrate proficiency at level B2 in one of the base languages indicated by the Program of interest.
Candidates must demonstrate proficiency in other languages as indicated by the Program of interest.
In Annex II, candidates will find indication of the number of certificates required for other languages.
Proof of proficiency for the candidate's native language is not required.
Supplementary documents specific to the Program to which you will apply, if any, as indicated in Annex II.
Candidates, when submitting the required documentation, are responsible for the accuracy of all information provided.
Documentation must be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English. If the document was issued in another language, the original must be presented together with a translation into one of these languages.
Annex II presents the language requirements indicated by each Graduate Program.
The master's thesis and doctoral dissertation may be written in any language provided that they are approved by the examination board of the Program to which the student is affiliated. Graduate Programs have the autonomy to approve the writing of final papers in various languages.
The stages will be carried out according to the schedule in item 15 of this call.
The selection process will consist of the following stages:
Evaluation of the Essays (items 7.8 and 7.9 of this call).
Evaluation of Transcript of Records and Curriculum: analysis and scoring of the supporting documents submitted by the candidate.
Assessment of other documents required by specific programs.
Each Graduate Program will be responsible for reviewing applications and nominating the students selected for the positions offered for type I and II admission.
Documents submitted for the selection process will be used only for this purpose and will not be returned to candidates.
In the event of withdrawal of selected candidates, other approved candidates may be called to fill the remaining position, considering the ranking order.
The Secretary for International Affairs and the Dean of Graduate Studies will publish the results at
Successful candidates will be contacted by the International Affairs Office (INT) via the e-mail provided on the pre-application form.
Candidates who are approved in two or more programs must confirm interest in only one of them, through the e-mail, within three days after being contacted by INT.
Requests for reconsideration and appeals will be accepted within the deadline set out in the schedule item 15 of this Call, and must be submitted in a standard form available at
Reconsideration requests will be reviewed and judged by the Selection Committee which will provide a final decision. Only in the event of a procedural flaw can an appeal be filed, with no suspensive effect for the selection, with the International Affairs Office and the Chamber for Research and Graduate Studies (CPP) of the University of Brasília, in this order, in accordance with art. 60 of the General Regulations of the University of Brasília.
During the appeal phase, candidates will not be allowed to submit new documents.
Appeals to the final result can only be filed with the Graduate Program Collegium, the Council of the Academic Unit, and the Chamber for Research and Graduate Studies (CPP), in the event of a procedural flaw, within 10 (ten) business days after the publication of the Final Result, in accordance with art. 61 do Regimento Geral da Universidade de Brasília.
Present proof of insurance with full medical, laboratory and hospital coverage, including funeral repatriation, valid throughout the Brazilian territory, with initial coverage of 12 months.
Health insurance must be renewed annually throughout the student's program at UnB. If the student does not present the insurance documentation, UnB may summarily cancel their registration at the Program at any time.
Present proof of regularity before the Brazilian immigration authorities and authorization to enroll in university studies: National Registry of Foreigners (RNE) and passport with visa and/or protocol of request to the immigration authority for residence authorization.
Submit any documents required by the relevant Graduate Program.
Have full time dedication to the activities of the study program and respect the current legislation and regulations of the program, of UnB, and of Brazil.
Be responsible for all expenses related to their study and stay in Brazil, such as personal expenses, air tickets, international insurance with full medical, laboratory and hospitalization coverage, valid throughout the period of stay at UnB and throughout the Brazilian territory , including funeral repatriation, accommodation expenses, document legalization, visa processing and issuance, as well as any additional cost or expense that is not expressly covered in this call.
Selected candidates awarded a scholarship may use the amounts credited for any of the above expenses, or others at their discretion.
Selected candidates will be able to request temporary accommodation in UnB transit apartments, and will be accommodated according to availability.
Make sure to enter Brazil legally by obtaining a Visa, if required by nationality.
Keep the national migration registry up to date throughout the duration of your studies while complying with related immigration requirements.
Candidates awarded a monthly stipend scholarship will receive a scholarship acceptance document containing the regulatory conditions.
In accordance with the regulations governing the granting of scholarships, monthly stipends cannot be awarded to candidates who maintain partial or full remuneration for an active employment relationship, even if activities are suspended.
Candidates receiving a monthly stipend scholarship may refuse the scholarship up to four weeks before starting the study program, without having financial implications. However, if a selected candidate refuses the scholarship after this period or after starting the study program, without valid or sufficient justification, they must reimburse the University of Brasília for the total amount paid up to the moment of the decline. In addition, the monthly stipend scholarship holders who present their refusal less than four weeks before the start of the program will not be able to apply for any other UnB stipend scholarship program for the following 2 (two) years.
Candidates who refuse the monthly stipend scholarship will still be guaranteed their adminstrative and academic fee scholarship if they so wish.
The Graduate Program may withdraw the monthly stipend scholarship if the candidate fails to comply with national regulations, academic standards, and internal regulations of the University and the Program.
If a monthly stipend scholarship holder does not comply with the obligations of this call and with the Program regulations, UnB may demand the reimbursement of the full or partial amount paid during the period of stay in Brazil.
Monthly stipend scholarship holders must inform their Program Coordinator of their intention to leave Brazil during the study period. Regulations of the Graduate Programs or Funding Agencies that grant scholarships may contain rules that restrict international travel during the payment of the monthly stipend scholarship or that require justification for the trip. Therefore, it is important for the monthly stipend scholarship holder to find out about these conditions with the Program Coordinator.
This selection will follow the following schedule:
Publication of the call for applications |
07/02/2024 |
Submission of applications |
07/15/2024 - 31/08/2024 |
Approval of applications |
09/09/2024 |
Appeals to the approval of applications |
09/11 - 09/13/2024 |
Response to Appeals |
09/19/2024 |
Analysis of applications |
09/20 - 10/18/2024 |
Publication of the provisional result |
10/21/2024 |
Appeals to provisional result |
10/22 - 10/23/2024 |
Publication of the final result |
10/31/2024 |
Confirmation of interest from candidates approved at the first round |
11/01 - 11/15/2024 |
Publication of second round |
11/20/2024 |
Confirmation of interest of candidates invited during the second round |
11/29/2024 |
Start of the academic semester |
March/August 2025 |
Any changes to the schedule will be published on the same page of the International Affairs Office. Candidates are responsible for keeping up to date with any changes.
Candidates will be disqualified and automatically excluded from the selection process if they:
Make false statements or present false documents at any stage of the selection.
Do not submit all required documentation within the deadlines and conditions stipulated in this Call.
Do not confirm participation in the Program on the date specified in this call, if selected.
Situations not covered by this call will be analyzed by the Secretary for International Affairs and the Dean of Graduate Studies.
By enrolling in the selection process, candidates recognize and accept the rules set out in this Call and in the regulations of the relevant Graduate Program.
This Call consists of this text and its annexes, published on the page
July 02nd, 2024
Prof. Dr. Virgílio Pereira de Almeida
Secretary for International Affairs
Prof. Dr. Lúcio Remuzat Rennó
Dean of Graduate Studies
| Documento assinado eletronicamente por Virgilio Pereira de Almeida, Secretário(a) da Secretaria de Assuntos Internacionais, em 02/07/2024, às 09:13, conforme horário oficial de Brasília, com fundamento na Instrução da Reitoria 0003/2016 da Universidade de Brasília. |
| Documento assinado eletronicamente por Lucio Remuzat Renno Junior, Decano(a) de Pós-Graduação, em 02/07/2024, às 13:19, conforme horário oficial de Brasília, com fundamento na Instrução da Reitoria 0003/2016 da Universidade de Brasília. |
| A autenticidade deste documento pode ser conferida no site, informando o código verificador 11366036 e o código CRC 26709067. |
Referência: Processo nº 23106.055094/2024-57 | SEI nº 11366036 |